
test Sum  Min  Max  Avg  First Name  Last Name  Company  Address  City  Zip 
google $8,882.05 $8,882.05 $8,882.05 $8,882.05 Jalon Baumbach Hagenes LLC 19587 Jamie Loaf West Lake Elizabeth 60427
google $433.06 $433.06 $433.06 $433.06 Cleta Kilback Bartell Inc 25788 Jenkins Crescent South Lake Lawson 99635
google $7,729.41 $7,729.41 $7,729.41 $7,729.41 Connor Labadie Hills, Crooks and Roob 21583 Cormier Overpass West Lake Dellaborough 45429
google $8,647.68 $8,647.68 $8,647.68 $8,647.68 Julio Labadie Kozey, Considine and Mosciski 17924 Earnest Ranch North New Bud 66461
google $1,991.80 $1,991.80 $1,991.80 $1,991.80 Katheryn Rosenbaum Bernier LLC 17688 Moen Island Dibbertbury 84918-0133
Total $30,970.17 $433.06 $8,882.05 $5,161.70

get filter values | set filter values
First Name  Last Name  Company  Address  State  Zip 
Leannon Prosacco, Gibson and Bergstrom 14709 Schulist Rue New Mexico 81265-8753
Aaliyah Carroll Rippin, Cummerata and Bruen 6220 Runolfsson Port Wisconsin 25864-9356
Aaliyah Langworth Roob-Kuhlman 24878 Cory Curve Nevada 80987-9342
Abbie Nienow Robel-Grady 26374 Eulalia Plaza Idaho 81324-3119
Abbie Tremblay Schamberger-Windler 20590 Timmothy Curve California 58631

First Name  Last Name  Company  Address  City  State  Zip 
Maxwell Abbott Medhurst, White and Mitchell 21512 Davis Via South Port Edward South Carolina &76982-2299
Telly Abbott Strosin-Wunsch 967 Frederic Ranch West New Caleigh Hawaii &57988-7025
Savannah Abernathy Corkery-Trantow 6655 Jameson Burgs South Lake Rashadhaven Mississippi &99703-9920
Bud Abernathy Waelchi, Jacobs and Hirthe 31848 Morissette Trail Murrayborough California &96519
Charlie Abernathy Windler LLC 302 Jordon Branch Adammouth Delaware &58659